This Devil Creek Development project was constructed on a Greenfield site, approximately 50 kilometres from Karratha in Western Australia, with the aim of providing domestic gas to the Western Australian energy market.

The work included a significant number of earthworks and civil construction, such as the construction of an on-shore processing facility comprising gas treatment/dehydration, condensate liquid stabilisation, storage and road load-out, gas compression and metering. Furthermore, an onshore pipeline was constructed, in addition to the construction of a tie-in to the existing Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline. The critical construction interfaces between each of these disciplines and the residential village associated with such construction was managed by John Holland.


IPMA was tasked to assist in speeding up the delivery of the offshore connection into the onshore processing facility and connection into the main WA gas pipeline.

The project team overcame a multitude of challenges, including high local labour demand resulting in trade shortages and significant turnover, a fly-in-fly-out workforce, remote operations and harsh weather. Despite such challenges, the project was delivered on time and to a high standard.


IPMA implemented a number of measures to the work processes to meet the programme requirements and allow more focus on the areas that needed most attention.  These measures included:

  1. On-site engineers appointed to lead the construction teams on the ground while also renewing the certification process.
  2. Weekend working introduced (half days).
  3. Additional internal documentation reviewed to ensure the client regularly received problem certification files for any works installed.

IPMA got it ‘right first time’ and handed over the project four weeks early, avoiding any delay charges for the main contractor.